Retro Photos That Make Little to No Sense [28 Pics]
Aug 5 2012
Don't ask, we don't know either. Some of these pictures are actually SO WEIRD.
Crazy Photos Taken by the Google Van [22 Pics]
Jun 23 2012
It's pretty cool when you spot yourself on Google Maps Street View... but it's even cooler when you find completely random and bizarre captures. Check out Jon Rafman's website for hundreds more.
More Strange Houses and Structures
Jun 25 2011
An extensive compilation of weird looking houses and structures from around the world. Some of these structures almost make no sense.
Funniest Looking Fish In The World
Jun 11 2011
One has to truly appreciate nature, it is very funny to see when it creates creatures that look a bit different. Take a look at this little guy - very cool looking fish.