Michigan Central Station

The Frozen in Time Ruins of Old Detroit (Photos)

Jan 5 2012

Detroit played a significant part in America's history of entrepreneurship and industrialization - it is a home to many great giants such as Ford. It became known as the cradle of mass-production.

We believe that Detroit's old landmarks are no less worthy of historical mention than the Coliseum of Rome or the Pyramids of Egypt. This splendid collaboration of photography is done by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre, you can visit their website here.

William Livingstone House detroit

William Livingstone House

Vanity Ballroom

Vanity Ballroom

Former Unitarian Church

Former Unitarian Church

Saint Albertus School

Piano, Saint Albertus School

East Methodist Church

East Methodist Church

Cass Technical High School

Melted clock, Cass Technical High School

Metropolitan & Wurlitzer Buildings

Metropolitan & Wurlitzer Buildings

Luben Apartments

Luben Apartments

Rich-Dex Apartments

Rich-Dex Apartments

Michigan Central Station

Michigan Central Station

St Margaret Mary School

Classroom, St Margaret Mary School

Wilbur Wright High School

Biology classroom, Wilbur Wright High School

St Christopher House

St Christopher House, ex-Public Library

Jane Cooper Elementary School

Jane Cooper Elementary School, Spring 2008

Jane Cooper Elementary School

Jane Cooper Elementary School, Spring 2009

Highland Park Police Station

Highland Park Police Station

Woodward Avenue

Woodward Avenue

Packard Motors Plant

Packard Motors Plant

Atrium, Farwell Building

Atrium, Farwell Building

Fisher Body 21 Plant

Fisher Body 21 Plant

Lee Plaza Hotel

Room 1504, Lee Plaza Hotel

Lee Plaza Hotel

Ballroom, Lee Plaza Hotel

Packard Motors Plant

Packard Motors Plant

18th floor dentist cabinet, David Broderick Tower

18th floor dentist cabinet, David Broderick Tower

Donovan Building

Donovan Building

David Whitney Building

David Whitney Building

National Bank of Detroit

Bagley-Clifford Office of the National Bank of Detroit

United Artists Theater

United Artists Theater

Fort Shelby Hotel

Fort Shelby Hotel

Ballroom, American Hotel

Ballroom, American Hotel

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Categories: Abandoned, Places, Society

Tags: creepy, detroit, eerie, usa


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