A WW2 RAF Fighter Plane Found in the Middle of the Sahara Desert [15 Pics]
May 26 2012
Experts claim this to be the aviation equivalent of Tutankhamun's Tomb in terms of how well the airplane has been preserved in the dry desert climate. It was discovered solely by chance, when a Polish oil worker Jakub Perka spotted it while exploring the remote region of the Western Desert in Egypt.
The RAF airman, Flight Sergeant Dennis Copping, 24, is believed to have crash landed here and took refuge before he attempted the desperate and futile walk-out of the desert. With the recent finding of the airplane, the search for the pilots remains has been re-opened as well.
Everything from the aircraft is scattered everywhere. This wreck has not been touched by man since it has happened nearly 70 years ago.
The ultra dry climate, and a good crash landing left this airplane largely intact. In the near future it will most likely be restored.
Bullet holes in the fuselage that may have contributed to the reason why this P-40 crash landed here.
The propeller was found near the crash site.
The plant identification plate of the particular P-40 fighter.
The magazine box was found near the crash site.
The instructions of how to load the magazine boxes for the Browning .50 machine guns.
The parachute that Flight Sergeant Dennis Copping used to construct a shade screen to protect against the sun.
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