Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Working Class Posters of 1930's Japan [17 Pics]

Jun 28 2012

This unique style of posters emerged in the country of the rising sun during the early 1930's. Many design aspects look to be copied from Western and Soviet culture.

It is amazing to see how well these are done, considering that there were no tools like Photoshop and Illustrator.

Japanese Pre-WW2 Postersa

Health Exercises for the People (Bureau of Postal Insurance, 1930)

Japan workers union poster

Tohoku Area Famine Relief (Federation of Tokyo Area Proletarian Organizations, 1931)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

The 2nd Proletarian Art Grand Exhibition (Japan Proletarian Artists Federation, 1929)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Safety Leads to Efficiency (Labor Welfare Association, 1932)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Proletarian Art Institute (1930)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Poster for The Proletarian Graph Magazine (Proletarian News Company, 1929)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Indulging in Alcohol Ruins Your Health (Labor Welfare Association, 1932)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

National Bonds for the Sino-Japanese War (Ministry of Finance, 1937)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

The Grand National Exhibition of Advancing Japan (City of Gifu, 1936)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

A Happy Worker Makes a Happy Home (Labor Welfare Association, 1932)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Records of a Victory (Leftist Theater's 20th Performance, 1931)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Rise, All Japanese Citizens (Imperial Rule Assistance Association, 1940)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

To Manchuria! (Ministry of Overseas Affairs, 1927)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Kusunoki Masashige Festival (Kenkoku Kai, 1931)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Mobilizing All Citizens and Organizations for the Nation (Industrial Guilds Central Committee, 1937)

Japanese Pre-WW2 Posters

Pay a Living Wage (Japan Textile Workers' Union, 1930)

Japan 1930's poster

Clean Up Before Make Up (Labor Welfare Association, 1932)

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Categories: Art, Conspiracy

Tags: japan, pre-ww2, propaganda, ww2


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