A Robbery Takes an Unexpected Turn [Video]

Nov 9 2012

Mohammad Sohail is a store owner that was being held up by a robber with a bat demanding money. He does not hesitate and pulls out his shotgun in defense. Pretty amazing to see what happened next.

Not only did Mohammad spare the robbers life, but he sent him on his way with some bread and $40. Apparently the thief said he was doing it to provide for his family. A couple of months Later Mohammad received a letter thanking him for everything he did, it also contained $50.

Sohail joked that the robbery ended up bringing him good fortune. “When you do good things for somebody, it comes back to you. I gave him $40 and he sent me back $50. It was a good investment.”

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Categories: Society, WTF?, Misc

Tags: hero, robbery

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