Abandoned Village in Japan

Abandoned Russian Village... In Japan

Nov 4 2011

After the collapse of the Soviet Union many people fled the country - whether it was for tourism or business, many came to Japan. This village was created specifically for people from the former Soviet States. Many businessmen who were looking to make a large profit from selling old Japanese cars in former Soviet countries stayed here. However the fate of this village was undone shortly after its opening.

Built in 1993, when it was in its glory, this complex had everything a tourist or a businessman may have wanted. A hotel, church, restaurant, museums and even a circus was present here.

The village is located several kilometers away from the railway and was only accessible by automobiles. It had a large parking lot to accommodate a large number of cars.

A Copy of the "Suzdal" Cathedral is located for anyone who is religious. Even the hotel is designed in classic Russian architecture.

After the bank that was financing this village collapsed, this village faded into the abandoned state it is now.

Three years ago, the hotel was set on fire. The main floor and several hotel rooms are all in very poor shape after the fire.

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Categories: Abandoned, Places, Nature

Tags: abandoned, apocalypse, cathedral, creepy, island, japan, niigata, resident evil, russians, scary, strange, village


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