Unreal WW2 Reenactment Festival in Europe
Apr 2 2012
It's almost hard to believe that these photos are not actual photographs from war time. This took place on February 26th, 2012 in Kiev, Ukraine. It is a festival to celebrate those who fought bravely for the motherland. Very amazing to see such organization, to arrange an event of this size! All photos by
The Perfect House to Survive the Apocalypse
Mar 23 2012
In a way this is similar to the zombie proof house that we mentioned last year, but this seems so much more realistic - and the possibilities with this one are endless.
Historically Hardcore - Awesome Ad Campaign
Mar 16 2012
These are so awesome, because they are so hardcore. The society these days is just not the same! Art and design by Jenny Burrows.
JFK Assassination Headlines
Mar 9 2012
A very moving photograph. Passengers of a train to Stamford, Connecticut read the headlines about the Presidential Assassination (November 22, 1963). Photo by Carl Mydans.
Construction of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1933 [Photos]
Mar 2 2012
One of the most internationally recognized symbols of San Francisco, California, and of the United States - this bridge took long 4 years to build but was instantly recognized for its iconic look. This bridge is also considered to be one of the Wonders of the World.
Tank Destroyer: Thunderbolt 2
Jan 25 2012
Amazing photo of the A-10 Thunderbolt 2's most recognizable feature, the 30mm GAU-8/A Avenger gatling-cannon. Photo taken by Master Sgt. Jeffrey Allen of the US Air Force during a refueling over Afghanistan.
Gun Collection, American Style
Jan 19 2012
Many say that this gun collection belonged to the late Charlton Heston, while others say it belongs to a Connecticut resident Bruce E. Stern. It is simply insane how many different variants of weapons there are here. I want to be here when the zombie apocalypse begins!
The Gunner
Jan 18 2012
Gotta love epic military photos. Gunner flying over hostile territory. US Airforce Photo by Staff Sergeant Stephen J. Otero. (Thanks Jessica Pierce!)
Awesome Short Film by Breitling Featuring a P-51 Mustang
Jan 13 2012
Great short film by the famous watch-maker Breitling. Movie is called "Too Late Baby (2 Minutes)" and features a gorgeous P-51 Mustang, a WWII US fighter.
Daily Wallpaper Beautiful Jellyfish From the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Jan 13 2012
13,492 downloads so far!
This is Where Modern-Day Ninjas Get Trained
Jan 8 2012
Tempest Freerunning Academy is California's first indoor training facility solely dedicated to the growth and spread of freerunning and parkour.
The Frozen in Time Ruins of Old Detroit (Photos)
Jan 5 2012
Detroit played a significant part in America's history of entrepreneurship and industrialization - it is a home to many great giants such as Ford. It became known as the cradle of mass-production.